Participation is Paramount for a Leader's Credibility
#SAVMP 2:2
When asking your faculty and staff to take a leap of faith
and try something new, it is critical that the leader step out in faith as
well. I have joined with my amazing staff in hosting a program for our
students. I always believe it is critical to be ready to commit to anything
that I ask staff to commit to so that we are partners in the rewards AND my presence will continue to provide credibility and solidarity for our team.
This year we have begun a significant initiative to try and
provide an after-school network of clubs and extracurricular activities for our
students. Simultaneously, several of our teachers are taking the opportunity to
tutor students since we have budgeted to provide transportation for these
programs on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The longer we can keep our students on
campus, we can be assured they are safe. We provide snacks, and we can be
assured they are fed. We provide rich academic opportunities and content
exposure, and we are assured they are learning!
Several teachers and staff have chosen to create and
participate in rich experiences for our students. I have also chosen to be a
member of our after-school activities.
Here is our COMING SOON flyer from last spring for the programs we have
begun on campus: Cherry STEMS (STEM project-based learning club), My Brother’s
Keeper (a mentoring program partnered with local community leaders to reach out
to young boys), Cheetah Harmony (a Music Academy with exposure to instruments
and community music programs), and a thriving Chess Club! The emphasis in each
of these clubs is expanding the background knowledge of the students through
exposure to high-level academic
content and experiences.
In addition, this fall, as part of the STEM program, our STEM Teacher
has begun a GEMS Club: GEMS is Girls in Engineering, Math, and Science.
I have been able to participate in two of the clubs myself
and share in the joy! I attend every My Brother’s Keeper and Chess Club meeting. The experiences have been intensely rich for
The My Brother’s Keeper program is led by a local pastor who
has scheduled to bring in multiple guest speakers. He first brought in local law enforcement officers to speak with students. He and one of our male
staff members teach character lessons, and the pastor is currently developing a lesson for
the boys that has an obstacle course in conjunction with our PE Coach. It is so
awesome to watch how these developing young men respond to the instruction of
these community and school mentors. Here are photos from the last session:
The other club, the Chess Club, has been the club that makes
me laugh, and I leave each meeting with a huge smile! I have taught several
students how to play Chess. It is very rewarding
to turn the fledgling players loose and let them play other students. We have club norms like, “No
bragging if you win.” AND….one young lady in 3rd grade asked me if
she could check out a chess board to take it home to teach her family how to
play. Now, that was a worthwhile
experience for all the time that our team of three adults puts into the club. Here are
photos from our first session:
I am grateful for the staff who extend their work day to
provide these experiences for our students, and I make certain that I
participate because we are ALL IN THIS