Administrative Reality
Being Connected
I recently finished watching the Google Hangout
hosted by Amber Teaman a.k.a @8amber8 on “Balancing the Administrative Reality
with Being Connected.” The hangout was extremely informative because I got to see all the
different personalities that I often follow on Twitter, but I also got to think
about their responses to several good questions. I was happy that many of the responses were
similar to my own responses. I shared the same answers that they did on several
questions, and that helped me feel like I am being successful in my Personal
Learning Network (PLN).
The first thing that was humorous to me
was... YES, some people consider
being connected as not necessarily working. Justin Tarte @justintarte
shared a story about getting called into the superintendent's office for
tweeting while at work, but he was ultimately able to explain to his
superintendent and eventually win him over to understand that leveraging social
media is a highly effective way to increase your instructional leadership
capacity. I have always been very wary of tweeting or blogging during work
hours, and so I try to reserve my PLN work for evening hours. With this
practice, I don't ever run aground, and
I keep perceptions from ever being misguided. I am very careful in this
Next I was able to find solace in Tom Whitford's
a.k.a. @twhitford answers. His view is that it is okay to send out personal tweets included in your PLN tweets
because we are all real people. I appreciated that response because I have often
tried to keep my personal and professional voices separate. I have three
different twitter accounts, and it was refreshing to realize it is okay to use
my educational account to throw out some personal tweets every once in a while to
all my peeps so they will know I am more than my leadership “self”.
Next I got a fantastic resource from Amber Teaman
called #kinderchat. That, by the way, is really what all this
connectedness is about. There is not a day that goes by that I don't
identify and learn something from my PLN and then I turn around and share that
information with the people in my own PLN or even better... I share it with my
faculty or our school or our community.
Just this past week, I used the resources I found in #kinderchat in my newsletter that goes out to the faculty which I send out every Monday. I focused on the #kinderchat information that analyzed increasing rigor in the early grades. I received new knowledge from digging deep into the resources provided on that Twitter feed. It is a great resource that allowed me to develop a context or knowledge base for something I've never done. I have not taught kindergarten and so having the new #kinderchat tool gives me a certain level of knowledge that empowers me to be a better leader for my early grades teachers.
Just this past week, I used the resources I found in #kinderchat in my newsletter that goes out to the faculty which I send out every Monday. I focused on the #kinderchat information that analyzed increasing rigor in the early grades. I received new knowledge from digging deep into the resources provided on that Twitter feed. It is a great resource that allowed me to develop a context or knowledge base for something I've never done. I have not taught kindergarten and so having the new #kinderchat tool gives me a certain level of knowledge that empowers me to be a better leader for my early grades teachers.
One of the best parts of
the conversation centered on the question… how
can leaders find the time and find the energy necessary to be connected?
I appreciated their answers. First of all, each of them seem like they are very
high-energy. I am definitely a high-energy person. I am drawn to other
energetic folks. They shared that being connected is motivating and
inspiring to them and it is what they live for! I agree because I know I love
to learn. I constantly pursue new learning and strive to process new
information to aid me in growth and improvement. That feeling of growth is, in itself,
inspiring to me and gives me the energy to spend those extra few minutes every
night being connected and being the connected learner engaging in DIY (DO IT YOURSELF) and creating my own
pathway for improvement.
The last question that
spoke to me was about... the need to be connected and still be productive at work.
Wow. That is a tough one. I marvel at some of the people that I follow in my
PLN like George Couros or Justin Tarte or Amber Teaman. I am alarmed at the
level of presence they have and how little presence I have in comparison.
Sometimes it is discouraging, but I know that I have just started this journey,
and I will be able to grow my connectivity as the years go by. Also, I know
that I will NEVER be the “Rock star” that some of those folks are. I will just
be me, and I will be amazing being me! So, I will put in my 100% during the
work day, and then I will come home and give my other 10% to my PLN. Then I have
to kick in my mom and wife 100%. Until
they approve human cloning, I will just be very busy and very happy giving it
all I’ve got!
Here is the Hangout in case you want to watch the professionals:
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